Not many morning television hosts are as convincingly normal as Lorraine Kelly – and her show’s style awards prove this even further by focusing on nothing but high street fashion.
The Lorraine Show’s High Street Fashion Awards firmly refuses to mention expensive designers, instead concentrating on what can be bought for less on the high street. As you might expect at Cheapness Please, the affordable fashion category is the part that gets our vote and why not with companies like Peacocks, Primark and ASDA nominated.
During the economic downturn retailers like Peacocks have really upped their game when it comes to style and quality – and the frenzy for value for money clothing has introduced a new genre of bargain hunter, who demands value for money fast fashion trends without sacrificing on quality. Just look at Pearl Lowe for Peacocks collection to get an idea of how fashionable and high quality value for money clothing can be.
The Lorraine Show has always done well when it comes to demonstrating the latest designer looks for normal ladies – whether their catwalk conscious teens or older women unsure of what to wear to look stylish. And true to form, the Affordable Fashion category in the High Street Fashion Awards gives everyone who watches the show a chance to get involved, not just the small majority who can afford to shop in a few upmarket boutiques.
Yes, The High Street Fashion Awards are just what we like to see at Cheapness please – so keep it up Lorraine, and we’ll keep spreading the word on great value for money fashion stores.
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